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Welcome to Häst

"Häst" is Svensk (Swedish) for Horse!



Dental Health

Health Issues
And Vital Signs

List of Trails
For Riding Horses

List of Farriers

Boarding Stables

Training Facilities

Feed & Tack Stores

Häst Practice Vehicles

Links to Other Sites

Contact Us
This site, www.hast.net, is undergoing a complete revision of its mission.
Originally, this was the only web site that we had that was all inclusive.
Now, there is a family of sites with each one being geared towards specific
objectives.  This one remains as a resource of information for the horse
community in and around Louisville Kentucky where Häst originated.

Most of the links to the left remain from the original site.
Removed are those whose content is better suited elsewhere.

From watching the hit counters on ClustrMaps below,  it is apparent
that this remains a popular site throughout the world.  It is because
of that and a strong dedication to the equine veterinary practice that
we had in Kentucky that we are keeping this site alive.
We want to thank everyone for their continued support!

Large Animal Rescue Equipment is now at:  rescue.hastpsc.com

Our corporate/personal site is: hastpsc.com

For a complete list of ALL of the sites on our new ATT Linux
server, go to hastpsc.net


Locations of visitors to this page

Send mail to Häst, PSC with questions or comments about this web site. 
Last updated on: 12 February 2012 at 1628 UTC